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Driving Dignity, Independence, and Hope.

We are a non-profit organization based in Philadelphia dedicated to promoting accessibility and mobility for individuals with disabilities

Who We Are

Empowering Every Journey

Our goal is to eliminate transportation barriers and create a world where mobility is a fundamental right for all, serving all handi-capable individuals who have a desire to drive again. 

What We Do

Unlocking Independence

We facilitate funding and resources for accessible driving opportunities and offer support in obtaining assistive driver's licenses, while also providing funding for driving classes.

Support Our Cause

Transforming Lives,
One at a Time

Join us in driving accessibility forward and transforming lives one journey at a time. Help us foster a sense of empowerment, confidence, and freedom for all handi-capable individuals who aspire to drive again.


Join Our Fundraiser

Our Next Event

Inaugural Beef & Beer
Inaugural Beef & Beer
Jun 02, 2024, 1:00 PM EDT

Our Mission

Driven by compassion and inclusivity, our mission at Mobility Freedom Foundation is to empower individuals with mobility challenges. Through fundraising, we provide wheelchair accessible vehicles, fostering independence and enhancing lives, striving for a world where mobility is a fundamental right.

Fundraising Progress

Adaptive Driving Courses

We are collecting donations to fund 5 driving licenses for handicapped individuals, giving them the freedom and independence they deserve behind the wheel. Every contribution counts towards breaking down barriers and enhancing lives. Donate today and make a difference in someone's ability to reclaim their mobility.


Vehicle Modifications

Car modifications are crucial for individuals with disabilities as they enable them to overcome mobility barriers and regain independence. These modifications make vehicles accessible and drivable for people with physical challenges, allowing them to participate fully in daily activities such as work, school, and social engagements. Donate now and help us create a world where mobility is a fundamental right for all.


Fully Accessible Vehicles

Accessible vehicles play a crucial role in enhancing the independence and mobility of individuals with disabilities. These specially modified vehicles enable people facing physical challenges to regain control over their transportation, facilitating access to work, education, and social activities, ultimately fostering a more inclusive and empowering society. Donate now and make a meaningful difference in someone's ability to experience the joy of driving again.


Become a Sponsor

Join us in driving change through partnership. Together, we empower mobility and transform lives.

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